Find an overview of all components used in the Exolink Designer.


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Callback - The component can make a callback to the target instance and repeat the cycle for new/modified data. Incoming data will be used as data to be sent to the other component.

Child Process - Executes a child process.

Code - This component executes custom JavaScript code as is.


Auth LDAP - Uses the Auth LDAP Connection component to authenticate and authorize users with basic auth from input (in base64). You can filter which users and groups are allowed to be authorized by adding them in the Settings.

Auth LDAP Connection - Creates a connection to an LDAP server using ldap:// or ldaps://. This component is required for the Auth LDAP component.

Auth Token - Uses the Auth Token Store component to authenticate and authorize users with bearer auth from input. You can filter which users and groups are allowed to be authorized by adding them in the Settings.

Auth Token Store - Stores token/user mappings to authenticate users with the Auth Token component.

JWT Validation - This component verifies and parses JSON Web Tokens.



Count - This component counts the number of messages received.

Counter - Counts the times it received data grouped by months. Starts counting from 0 each month.

Debug - Writes the received data to the debug tab in the Flow Designer.

First In - This component is a part of __FI__FO stack. It will only pass the first input it received, additional inputs will be added to a stack.

First Out - This component is a part of FI/FO stack. It pulls out the first item in the First In component queue and passes it along. It also clears the stack on Click on the First In component.

IP Filter - This component checks if the incoming ip address is in the given networks. It accepts IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and CIDR.

JSON Filter - Filters incoming data basend on a JSON Path and optionally changes the path in the result object.

Last Data - This component keeps count of all received data and passes the last x received entries as an array of raw data, x being the Count number in the settings tab.

Last Usage - This component remembers date and time of the last received data. The component keeps stats of usage in embedded NoSQL DB.

Merge - This component merges all received data into the output Array, until the Count in settings tab is reached. It then passes the array to the output and begins a new one. Clicking on the button will empty the queue.

Merge to object - This component merges all received data into an Object. Each input has an own key (property) that has to be defined in the settings tab. Defining more than two properties creates additional inputs. Clicking on the button will remove any previously received data.

Modified - This component compares a new value with a previous value. If the values are different, it sends the new data to next component.

Pass - [definition will follow]

Repository - This component can write/read data from FlowData message repository or from Flow instance.

Split - This component iterates over the received data and sends every item separately.



MSSQL Connection - Creates a connection to a MySQL server.

MySQL Connection - Creates a connection to a MySQL server, supports SSH.

NoSQL (embedded) - [definition will follow]

SQL Query - Executes a SQL query using selected MySQL Connection or MSSQL Connection component.



HTTP Debugger - Can capture all received requests of selected HTTP Listener.

HTTP Downloader - This component downloads a buffer in chunks. Input of this component expects object in the form {url: 'URL address'} or String as URL address.

HTTP Filter - This component filters the incoming path for the HTTP Request component using the path(s) set by the user in the Settings as a whitelist. The filter can be applied to either the entire path or just the last part.

HTTP Listener - Creates a new HTTP(S) Server. You can register HTTP Routes on this Listener. If you want to use HTTPS, you have the option to either choose your own (Custom) certificate and key or use the default certificate provided by us in the Settings using the _SSL _checkbox.

HTTP Redirect - HTTP Redirect will respond with a redirect header of the type and location set in settings.

HTTP Request - This component creates a request with received data.

HTTP Response - HTTP Response will respond with data received using data-type set in Settings or JSON if not set. Output is the message duration Number in seconds.

HTTP Route - The component HTTP Listener is required.



Console - This component attaches into the Node.js console instance.

Event - This component can capture Total.js framework events and execute code on specific events.

Error - This component passes every eror from all components to the output that is also displayed in the error tab as string.

Toggle Trigger - Clicking on the component starts the flow chain. Optional: You can set two data-types and data, which will be sent alternately.

Trigger - Clicking on the component starts the flow chain. Optional: You can set the data-type and data for the output in the settings tab.



Condition - This component checks the incoming data and passes it to the output if it meets all of the conditions defined in the settings. If the data does not meet all of the conditions, it is passed to the last (grey) output.

JSON Validator - Validates input with a schema. To validate only part of the input data, define the input path in the settings.

Range - Component uses input value to calculate a new value that is in the range of given output values.

Switch - This component checks if the incoming data meets any conditions defined in the settings and passes it to the corresponding output.



MQTT Broker - Allows you to change the connection programmatically.

MQTT publish - If the topic field is left empty and the data object does not have a 'topic' property, nothing is sent. Also if the data object has a valid topic property, it is assumed the object also has data property which is sent as a payload.

MQTT subscribe - [definition will follow]



Email - You need to configure this component. If the connection to the SMTP server fails, an error will be displayed above the Flow Component.

SMS Messenger ( - This component sends SMS using the API.



OCPP Auth Response - This component is placed on the end oft the OCPP route's auth flow and returns if the connecting charger is allowed to connect or not depending on the given conditions.

OCCP Backoffice - This component can close and create new connections to the OCPP Backoffice. It also shows how many connections are currently online.

OCPP Encoder/Decoder - OCPP Encoder/Decoder will create OCPP messages or responses to be sent to charger/backoffice.

OCPP Listener - Creates a new HTTP(S) OCPP Listener. You can register OCPP Routes on this Listener.

OCPP Response - HTTP response will respond with data recieved using data-type set in Settings form or plain text if not set. Output is the message duration Number in seconds.

OCPP Route - [definition will follow]



HTML Parser - This template can parse an HTML formatted string.

JSON Table - This component creates a formatted HTML string using Tableify. Incoming data has to be formatted as JSON. You can also specify a path to navigate through the incoming data if you do not want to use the whole object in the Settings. Response is always String.

Mustache Template - This template can create an HTML formatted string using Mustache. Incoming data has to be a JavaScript Object. You can either use the input as a whole or specify the path to the property of the data object you'd like to use in the property setting.

Template - Template can create a formatted string. Incoming data has to be JavaScript Object and is available in the template as model.

XLS to JSON - This component tries to transform an Excel spreadsheet to JSON. If there's a buffer property in the incoming data, then the filename option is ignored.

XML/Newline Parser - Parses XML or CSV, expects Buffer or String as Input.



S3 Get Object -_ **Gets an object from a bucket using selected _Storage Connector component. By clicking on the component a request with the given settings will be triggered.

S3 List Objects - Lists all objects in a bucket using selected Storage Connector component. By clicking on the component a request with the given settings will be triggered.

S3 Remove Object - Removes an object from a bucket using selected Storage Connector component. By clicking on the component a request with the given settings will be triggered.

S3 Storage Connector - This component connects to any Amazon S3 compatible object storage server.

S3 Upload Object - Uploads an object to a bucket from a String or a Buffer using selected _Storage Connector _component. If a file with that name already exists, it will be overridden.



Buffer - This component will only send data if it doesn't receive any input in x seconds.

Cron - It allows you to schedule jobs (arbitrary functions) for execution at specific dates, with optional recurrence rules.

Delay - This component creates a delay (in milliseconds) between receiving and sending data.

Scheduler - Scheduler will trigger flow at the given time and date. You can define a data-type of the output and the data optionally.

Timer - The Timer will trigger flow chain in the given interval (in milliseconds). Optional: You can set the data-type and data for the output in the settings tab.

Unique in interval - This component filters data according to the unique data key (can be string, number or object) for an interval. This means it will only send the same value for the defined key once every interval. Click on the component will reset an internal cache.



Comment - A comment that does not have any effect on the application.

Virtual Wire In - When the wires between the components are a mess, it's time to use Virtual wire. Virtual wires are connected by the same identifier.

Virtual Wire Out - When the wires between the components are a mess, it's time to use Virtual wire. Virtual wires are connected by the same identifier.



Page renderer - Renders data into selected layout and template. Requires Page template component that can be selected as layout and/or template in the settings tab.

Page template - Requires Page renderer component. Incoming data is available in the templates or layouts as model.

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