Welcome to the Exolink API documentation.

This is our guide to help you find your way around the Exolink API. Requests are done via the URL https://api.exo.link and all routes are listed under "General". The API uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.

OpenAPI Specification

This API is documented in OpenAPI format and can be downloaded in JSON or YAML format at https://api.exo.link/api/docs/openapi.json and https://api.exo.link/api/docs/openapi.yaml respectively.


To authenticate your API request you need to provide an API Token. You can generate personal API Tokens in your Profile at https://manager.exo.link/users/edit.


Your personal API token e.g. lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet-not-a-valid-token-consectetur-adipiscing-elit-sed-do-eiusmo

Security Scheme Type: API Key
Header parameter name: x-api-token